I dreamt of this on november 9th 2022

I'm sorry for maybe lying when i said that it was gone forever

i had a tiny plush of myself always with me; i was in a warped version of my school that was some kind of backrooms thingness; i struggled to stand still and i fainted all the time and i couldn't see well (as if i couldn't fully open my eyes/keep them open) i was in economy class and the teacher was extremely fat, like her hand was as big as my face, and she said she was growing claws on her knuckles and she was happy about it because she thought she'd become wolverine then i left the classroom and i fell down in the hallway and i started kind of floating and then people grouped around me to see what was happening then i wanted to go home and i found the force to get back up and i started walking around but the school was a massive 4 floor maze kind of rounded and it looked endless. I found a door that led to a train station i could use to go back home but i didn't take a train because i needed my backpack which for some reason I knew was at the entrance. I kept looking around until i found said entrance and then i somehow transitioned to being outside my house riding a bike, and a massive hornet was flying extremely close to my left ear making a horrible noise. Then i got home and there were cardboard boxes everywhere as if we had just moved and while going to my room i found a rat that came out of a box and i told my dad, and he stomped the rat to death and then everything went black and i woke up